Green’s voice faltered slightly as he delivered the words, but he hoped that
his diffidence wouldn’t be detected on the other end of the phone.
‘4-0?’ O’Loughlin replied. His voice was calm, but that didn’t yet assuage Green’s fears.
‘Yes, four.’
‘4-0?’ replied O’Loughlin again, this time his voice higher. ‘Tell me it was a good defeat; a defeat in the manner of the one we suffered against the Hurricanes.’
‘4-0?’ O’Loughlin replied. His voice was calm, but that didn’t yet assuage Green’s fears.
‘Yes, four.’
‘4-0?’ replied O’Loughlin again, this time his voice higher. ‘Tell me it was a good defeat; a defeat in the manner of the one we suffered against the Hurricanes.’